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WinBoard  (60 moves in 30 min)  League-B

Tournament  #4 (This tourney is arranged by A.Pogorelov)

SDchess Winboard Championship, League-B

PC: P-4C 2600, 256,WINXP, Winboard 4.2.6
Time control: 30min/60m
Hashsize: 32Mb
Tablebases: all 3,4 and 5 pieces

Ponder: off

SDchess League-B 30'/60,2004


New version Amyan 1.591 has played from the second round. New version Dragon 4.5 has played from the 3-d round!  New version Baron 1.04 & Queen 2.42a from the 7-th round! New version TCB 0050 has played  from the 11-th round! New version Aranan 7.3 has played  from the 15-th round! New version Baron 1.0.5 has played  from the 17-th round!

We use special tool for tournament tables by A.Pogorelov, Russia.

The tourney was arranged with WB Tourney Manager by Jori Ostrovskij.

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Last updates 14.02.04 18-00

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