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WinBoard Rapid-games (60 moves in 30 min)  League-B

Tournament  #2 (This tourney was arranged by A.Pogorelov)

SDchess Winboard Championship,


PC: PIII 667 WIN98
Time control: 30min / 60m
Hashsize: 32Mb
EGTB: 3-4-5
Ponder: off

League-B 30min/60m, WIN98 PIII 667, 2002

N Name 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Score Rank B G
01 Delfi 3.1 **** =1== 0==1 =1== 1100 0001 1101 =01= ===1 1111 110= 1000 ==10 111= 11=1 =11= 1110 1110 111= 1111 50.5 /76 1 1782.00 +40 -15 =21
02 Aristarch 4.4 =0== **** =111 1001 ==== =111 =10= 1101 ==01 01=1 0001 1=11 1=0= ==10 0==1 1011 1101 1111 1111 111= 50.0 /76 2-4 1780.00 +39 -15 =22
03 Tao 5.4 1==0 =000 **** 1=== =111 1010 1=1= 1=10 1=01 1001 1101 0010 1011 1=11 11=1 01=0 1111 =111 11=1 0111 50.0 /76 2-4 1776.00 +42 -18 =16
04 Amyan 1.54 =0== 0110 0=== **** 0=10 ==0= 1=1= 1=00 =11= 110= 1=0= 101= =111 =111 =1=1 1111 1101 ==11 1111 =111 50.0 /76 2-4 1726.50 +37 -13 =26
05 Sjeng 12.13 0011 ==== =000 1=01 **** 0=11 =111 10=0 10=1 001= 1011 01== 0011 0=11 11== 1111 1111 1101 1=11 11=1 49.0 /76 5 1711.50 +40 -18 =18
06 Quark 1.76b 1110 =000 0101 ==1= 1=00 **** 1001 1=== 11=1 =0== 0=11 011= =1=1 0111 011= =01= 1010 11=1 1111 1110 47.0 /76 6 1677.25 +37 -19 =20
07 SmarThink 0.10a 0010 =01= 0=0= 0=0= =000 0110 **** 10== =101 1110 1110 1101 ==11 1010 1111 1111 1110 1111 =100 1111 46.5 /76 7 1584.75 +40 -23 =13
08 Dragon 4.2 =10= 0010 0=01 0=11 01=1 0=== 01== **** 1011 =00= 0101 ==01 01== 111= 0101 1==1 0111 110= 1111 1011 44.0 /76 8 1552.00 +34 -22 =20
09 King of Kings 2.02 ===0 ==10 0=10 =00= 01=0 00=0 =010 0100 **** 0111 1101 1=0= 1=11 ===1 1111 =11= 1010 011= =111 1111 43.5 /76 9 1481.50 +33 -22 =21
10 Leila 0.53h 0000 10=0 0110 001= 110= =1== 0001 =11= 1000 **** 1=00 110= 1010 01=1 =1== 1==0 =111 =111 11=1 1=11 42.0 /76 10-11 1438.25 +32 -24 =20
11 Resp 0.19 001= 1110 0010 0=1= 0100 1=00 0001 1010 0010 0=11 **** 0010 1=1= 10== =111 ==11 1011 1=11 1=10 1111 42.0 /76 10-11 1434.00 +35 -27 =14
12 LambChop 10.88 0111 0=00 1101 010= 10== 100= 0010 ==10 0=1= 001= 1101 **** 01=0 1=0= 110= =110 01=1 1=0= 11=0 1011 39.5 /76 12 1441.50 +30 -27 =19
13 Terra 2.8 ==01 0=1= 0100 =000 1100 =0=0 ==00 10== 0=00 0101 0=0= 10=1 **** 0=11 1101 ==1= 01=0 111= =10= 111= 36.0 /76 13 1241.75 +24 -28 =24
14 Beowulf 2.0 000= ==01 0=00 =000 1=00 1000 0101 000= ===0 10=0 01== 0=1= 1=00 **** 1==1 1=01 11=1 =010 0011 101= 32.0 /76 14 1110.75 +21 -33 =22
15 EXchess 4.03a 00=0 1==0 00=0 =0=0 00== 100= 0000 1010 0000 =0== =000 001= 0010 0==0 **** 00=1 1=1= 1111 0111 0111 28.5 /76 15 925.50 +19 -38 =19
16 KnightX 1.75a =00= 0100 10=1 0000 0000 =10= 0000 0==0 =00= 0==1 ==00 =001 ==0= 0=10 11=0 **** =110 0=10 101= 1110 28.0 /76 16 957.25 +17 -37 =22
17 Ant 6.06 0001 0010 0000 0010 0000 0101 0001 1000 0101 =000 0100 10=0 10=1 00=0 0=0= =001 **** 0111 =110 1=10 25.5 /76 17 870.75 +21 -46 =09
18 Inmichess 3.05 0001 0000 =000 ==00 0010 00=0 0000 001= 100= =000 0=00 0=1= 000= =101 0000 1=01 1000 **** 0011 =010 20.0 /76 18-19 707.75 +13 -49 =14
19 GNUChess 4.0 000= 0000 00=0 0000 0=00 0000 =011 0000 =000 00=0 0=01 00=1 =01= 1100 1000 010= =001 1100 **** 0101 20.0 /76 18-19 672.75 +14 -50 =12
20 Bestia 0.88 0000 000= 1000 =000 00=0 0001 0000 0100 0000 0=00 0000 0100 000= 010= 1000 0001 0=01 =101 1010 **** 16.0 /76 20 526.75 +12 -56 =08

Games: 760/760, +326 -254 =180

The new versions : Delfi 3.1, Leila 0.53h, Resp 0.19, SmarThink 0.09a played from the sixth round. The new version Quark 1.76b played from the 7-th round. The new version  Bestia 0.88 played from the 9-th round. The new versions: Terra 2.8, SmarThink 0.10a played from the 10-th round. The new version Tao 5.2 played from the 12-th round. The new version Tao 5.4 played from the 13-th round. The new versions Aristarch 4.4 Amyan 1.54 played from the 14-th round.

The tourney was arranged with WB Tourney Manager by Jori Ostrovskij.

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Last updates 16.09.02 20-00

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